Halogen dimmer IC chip! Does it exist?

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I am looking for a dimmer IC chip very similar to the SLB 0587 originaly from Seimes but now available from Infinion under another part# which I can't find.

This chip, when adding a few passive components to it, act as a halogen dimmer capable of dimming an inductive load (The transformer in a halogen fixture in this case).

Does anyone know where I can get this chip!

All help is greatly appreciated!

here is a different replacement part , pin for pin compatible it says:


Infineon no longer makes this chip, but it did at one point with the same part number ( SLB0587 )

Internation Rectifier makes similar parts, like the IR2161, which is very new, here is an application note with PCB laout and other good information:


the data sheet for just the IC :


They also have an established line of IC's for this purpose:


hope this helps
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