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New Member
I plan to give the HAM exam soon.

I read this book "Electronics of Radio" By David B. Rutledge 0-521-64645-6

It is an awesome book with good know-how written for any radio enthusiast.

The NorCal 40A they have mentioned in there...does anybody have any knowledge regarding the same?

Also when i become a ham (hopefully i shall pass the license test in this very year)
what radio should i buy. Or is this forum not for HAMS? :/

Please tell. I heard Grundig is good from the older generation. dunno more about the equipment. Have to master the theory and build proper working circuits first...shall get experience from that before diving into the HAM world

PS: Can any one find the same ebook i will be thankful. The one i read (and am reading!) belong to our Library!

hi there,
hopefully you study hard and pass the exam with ease

from google I got this site .... **broken link removed**

remember google is your friend
I have never heard of Grundig making amateur radio gear, not in my 30 yrs on amateur radio anyway
Yaesu, Kenwood, Icom are the "big 3" there are others as well like Tentec

There's masses of 2nd hand (used) equip on the market

Have a look on Amazon.com for that book

40m to 1.2cm (7MHz to 24GHz)
It appears to be a 40meter Low-Power Kit-built transceiver. Here is a review of it.

Spend some time looking around on EHam. They have reviews of almost every piece of commercial ham gear that was ever made. Also, the classifieds show what sells for what.
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