Hanging problem.

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I had installed a solar powered traffic signaling system. It was functioning for the last two months. It is reported that three or four times all the O/P pins of the MC (89c52) went high and remained like that.
Can anybody give some hints to solve this problem. Is it a software problem?
Could be a local lightning strike or other electrical or electrostatic discharge causing a latch-up. Could be a voltage problem, poor contact or a gazillion other possible physical, mechanical or electrical problems.

Is the circuit screened properly ? All lead wiring EMI / RFI protected etc ?

Could be intermittent or noisy clocking or a flaky reset circuit or just a faulty micro.

If all pins went high, it might suggest that your code, for whatever reason, jumped off to never never land, i.e a stack overflow, a pop without a push etc.
Creating a reset condition without a vector in some manner.

Perhaps an unusual combination of events triggers the problem.
What you need is a log of the events leading up to the anomaly, like pin states, register contents etc.
Maybe write an additional piece of code to log stuff as it happens ?


Thank you for your suggestions.
What you need is a log of the events leading up to the anomaly, like pin states, register contents etc.
This happened 3-4 times only in during the last 60 days in the field. I may not be able to simulate such a condition in the lab.Am I right?
Could be enviromental, too hot, too cold. In reality it could be so many things and most likely not be able to worked out in the lab until you have a better idea of what might be the 'trigger' event.

Does the unit come back to normal operation on it's own or does it need to be reset or power cycled?

What about putting in an earth ground? .... Just a copper stake .... some copper braid. This might eliminate a lot of the electrostatic possibilities..... If it's solar powered, it might not be grounded adequately.
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What about putting in an earth ground? .... Just a copper stake .... some copper braid. This might eliminate a lot of the electrostatic possibilities..... If it's solar powered, it might not be grounded adequately.

Will try to do that. I think I can connect the negative point to the cabinet and earth (by connecting to the metal pole on which the unit is mounted )
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