Happy Birthday tvtech

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You Guys are flat out the best people in the World.

Thank you all very much

"Claps hands in glee"...thanks Buddy

Bestest cake I ever saw. I wanna come to your wedding that is happening soon

Or at least try to get there . Invite???


Eager for a trip to Vermont are you?

Wedding is in October
And I also would like to know more about the jewel you are going to marry.

Let's start with the Alphabet. Her first name begins with maybe an A?

Cold or hot Matt? I have no idea. Africa here where all is sort of "nice" weather.

And I also would like to know more about the jewel you are going to marry.

Let's start with the Alphabet. Her first name begins with maybe an A?


It will probably be relatively cold (October is usually when it starts getting chilly, and we often have snow by the end of the month). And my fiancee's name starts with a "C", but that's all I'm willing to give out on the internet
Hey, bradda Happy B-day.

Your friend,


Edit: Sorry about being late; just got really busy yesterday.
As one friend to another......you always watch my back.

I don't care if you are green, purple, red or whatever...you look after me like only a friend can.

Never met you but you are a good person.

The easiest way to suss out people is if they stick their ground and to hell with the rest. No matter what...believe in their own sound judgement. Made their choice and that is that. Normally choices made by these individuals are the hard, difficult, not popular ones. But they show strength of character. And normally these strong people have chosen the right way to do stuff anyway.

Thanks KV. When things went down here you were there for me all those years ago...good person.

It will probably be relatively cold (October is usually when it starts getting chilly, and we often have snow by the end of the month). And my fiancee's name starts with a "C", but that's all I'm willing to give out on the internet


I'm going to pester you

Jokes. You are also one of my friends that puts balls to the wall. Love it

OK...maybe Carey or Connie or .....I don't know. Pestering session over

Time out

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