Happy Christmas to all readers

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Active Member
Hello to all, and a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone on this helpful and indespensible site!

Have a good one...............Al
Merry Christmas! Over the Christmas Break (for School) I will be working on my giant Coil Gun! I had to build 2 support towers on either side to hold it, and It is a 1 degree of freedom Aimable gun.


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I might be doing Fireworks for either Christmas or Newyears...When Ever Im doing it, Im preparing now >

So Like, Merry Christmas, hope the Cybernetic Ghost Of Christmas Past From the Future visits you
Since I'm learning Swordfish BASIC SE here you go
**broken link removed**
Unicorns LCD using the Oshonsoft 18F simulator
*  Name    : Christmas.BAS                                                  *
*  Author  : William Richardson                                             *
*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2007 blueroomelectronics                         *
*          : All Rights Reserved                                            *
*  Date    : 12/21/2007                                                     *
*  Version : 1.0 Swordfish BASIC SE                                         *
*  Notes   : Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year                      *
*          : blueroomelectronics Unicorn 18F4550 with 2x16 LCD              *
Device = 18F4550
Clock = 1
Config  FOSC = INTOSC_HS, LVP = OFF    // Use the Internal Oscillator
#option LCD_DATA = PORTD            // Assign the LCD connections
#option LCD_EN = PORTE.2            
#option LCD_RS = PORTE.0            
#option LCD_RW = PORTE.1
Include "LCD.bas" 
Include "utils.bas"
OSCCON = $42                        // 1MHz internal OSC
SetAllDigital                       // Make all pins digital I/O's
High(PORTB.3)                       // Turn on the LCD backlight
Cls                                 // Clear the LCD screen
WriteAt(1,1,"Merry Christmas ")    
WriteAt(2,1,"& Happy New Year")  
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**broken link removed**

Merry Christmas.

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Merry Christmas also from Thailand

Hello all,

there is no Christmas in Thailand. There is even no such thing as a Christmas tree. I made one of the top of a palm tree. Looks cute though.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I'm going to be busy writing code for an RC5 receive circuit. I'm looking forward to the time off work so that I can get a good chunk of it done actually!

Have a good one all,

Boncuk said:
there is no Christmas in Thailand. There is even no such thing as a Christmas tree.
I hope you you are allowed to celebrate Christmas there.
Maybe you can also celebrate a Buddist holiday.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

I will be spending my break learning to program PIC's.

All the best,
This version requires a 20MHz crystal... Either version should work.

*  Name    : Christmas.BAS                                                  *
*  Author  : William Richardson                                             *
*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2007 blueroomelectronics                         *
*          : All Rights Reserved                                            *
*  Date    : 12/21/2007                                                     *
*  Version : 1.0 Swordfish BASIC SE                                         *
*  Notes   : Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year                      *
*          : blueroomelectronics Unicorn 18F4550 with 2x16 LCD              *

Device = 18F4550
Clock = 20
#option LCD_DATA = PORTD            // Assign the LCD connections
#option LCD_RS = PORTE.0            
#option LCD_RW = PORTE.1
#option LCD_EN = PORTE.2            
Include "LCD.bas" 
Include "utils.bas"
SetAllDigital                       // Make all pins digital I/O's
High(PORTB.3)                   // Turn on the LCD backlight
Cls                                 // Clear the LCD screen
WriteAt(1,1,"Merry Christmas ")    
WriteAt(2,1,"& Happy New Year")  
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Merry Christmas to all! (And a Happy Holidays to those that don't celebrate Christmas!)

I was reading over the posts above and grinning -- because I was thinking the same thing -- you know you're addicted when the Christmas holidays means time off to program!

Have a safe and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas

Kyle-s4h said:
-- you know you're addicted when the Christmas holidays means time off to program!

I started my project on friday...
Merry Christmas to all of you
Best Regards OY2L / Leif
from the Faroe Islands (a small islands group in the north atlantic sea)
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Merry Christmas And a Happy NewYear To you from Estonia
I see a lot of you are using the little break for your programming/projects or whatever and i am also building my little coilgun (school break) and thats why i asked for the XOR gate. I just want to build it from scratch to learn and learn and learn.
happy/merry xmas.

I am working on learning Java, and then on wednessday (day after xmas) i am going to purchase 2 22" lcds for my computer. Dual 22" monitors! I can't wait!
Merry Christmas

audioguru said:
I hope you you are allowed to celebrate Christmas there.
Maybe you can also celebrate a Buddist holiday.

Don't worry audiguru,

Buddhism is very generous concerning other religions and religious holidays. We even have a christian church (including a bell) in town and a huge crucifix in front of it. I celebrate more holidays than you are allowed, the christian and the buddhist holidays.

I've already considered working as a buddhist monk for three years and one day without converting to buddhism. (again generousity) That way I will get a permanent residence permit with all the privileges Thais have (purchase own land and own house). The permit has to be renewed every year for foreigners other than asians.

Once again, merry christmas and a happy new year. Also greetings from Ante (Anders)

Kind regards

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