Happy mama's day everyone's mama :D

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New Member
Hi all,
Happy mothers' day
What are you doing with your mother today?
My mom is busy with their business, I'm busy with my final exam preparation.. so..
Anyway, happy mother's day mummy.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Unfortunately Mothers Day is in March in the UK!
Tell me about it. Came on here for first time today and saw this and thought "oh (insert word) then remembered it had already been. Thanks for scaring me
tucka20 said:
Tell me about it. Came on here for first time today and saw this and thought "oh (insert word) then remembered it had already been. Thanks for scaring me

Same here!
Here in Australia, it was yesterday. Fortunately for me my Mum lives in the UK and so celebrated it in March.

Pommie said:
Here in Australia, it was yesterday. Fortunately for me my Mum lives in the UK and so celebrated it in March.


So, was your Mothers' Day on Sunday? ......hmm..with the international date line it should be Monday by now....
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