Happy New Year

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Ditto, best wishes to all for a happy, safe and prosperous new year. Looking forward to 2015 and I guess we will see what it holds in store for us.

Mike, tis the season. My brother lived in Flagstaff for a few years.

Ditto; Just sitting with the wife and enjoying the new HD TV cable box. Finally took time out to get another box as the old was pixelating on some and not others. Perfect picture now.

The wife is happy all that matters; she like her property fixer shows. Thats why I'm here; not my cup of tea.

I hope all is good for you and yours in the New Year.

Yay! Happy New Year everyone Nice fireworks, I half blinded and deafened already!
I started the year dressed as a woman... very liberating I must say
(ahem, but I am gender anonymous here, of course, I may well be a lady who usually doesn't dress as one...)
(Murder mystery game dressed as character, btw)
^^^^Hello throb

You wanna be beautiful like me
Simply put a dress on . Maybe grow your hair....a little make up helps too

And now, in all seriousness, I am stuck with this Avatar forever.

Not that I mind it but if I decide to change it none of the chirps will make sense anymore
Say I put Arnie back??

People that don't know will think I am mad as well as those that commented?

I think I may be forced to just stay with this . A Guy pretending to be a Girl has it's ups and down's.

I just hope my Avvy does not age like me.

Don't change your avatar, I will never find you again. Happy New Year.
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