Happy Thanksgiving, You Turkeys!

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Eh brownout if your going to smoke a turkey just make sure you take plenty of Tally Ho rollie papers and you may need a blow torch to get it lit...........
Have a great thanksgiving!
Were you fat yesterday? Were you drunk?
Are you tomorrow? What has changed?
I"ll be fat and drunk in Houston. Aside from that, nothing much has changed. Maybe I"ll be fatter and drunker.
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Have a happy and SAFE thanksgiving, everybody! And when I say "safe", that includes avoiding alcohol poisoning

Anyway, enjoy your turkey day, everyone!
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Momma's gonna make the turkey. I'm just going to get fat and drunk.

About the same here. Wife will do dinner and I'll sit around and eat. My son and grandson are in visiting so we are enjoying. All you peeps have a safe & happy Thanksgiving.

Cluck Cluck!

I'm having chicken because i forgot to purchase turkey this year and it's too late now im not going to the store today

Safe without beer? Is that possible? I guess im like Bender the robot (aka Futurama), i get a rusty beard and cant walk straight when i havent had a beer for a while.

Have fun folks.
Gobble! Gobble! I am puting up the X-Mas lights today. All LED of course. Andy
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