Yes I started as a MOS production engineer, then went to test engineering writing tester
programs for new ICs, then to Central apps designing application specific for
customer consideration, also FCC design and qualifying a TV game for emissions,
then to FAE work in field, then sales (to generate retirement savings), then back
to FAE work (greatest love) and then retirement.
Throughout all this I was not qualified for any of these jobs initially, and overcame
because I read 24/7 (not really, but a lot) and build in my lab things of interest.
As a production EE I was involved in characterization work. Its a fairly straight forward
task. I would say job interviews are not about being an expert at their specific requirements,
rather a demonstration of interest, and self starting for problem solving. Most of
the time I took control of the interview and asked tons of questions because both
I am curious and a plan to show I had thought extensively about the job, which I had.
Perception is 95% of the interview.
Regards, Dana.