Has 10F222 released?

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New Member
Hello All,

I read that microchip has announced a 10F220/2 to complement the older chips but could not find these new chips in any online shop. Anybody know if they have been released to the market? Thanks a lot.

I am also waiting for them to get released, they are very useful (6pin PIC with ADC...). I hope they will be available this or next month.
Wish it won't be another windows 2003!! :twisted:

Jay.slovak said:
I am also waiting for them to get released, they are very useful (6pin PIC with ADC...). I hope they will be available this or next month.
Or Longhorn :lol:

I am also waiting for ENC28J60 Ethernet chip, it takes them forever to release it :?
Get in line guys :lol: I too am waiting for the ENC28J60 and the 10F22x to be released so I can get a few samples from Microchip...
Joel Rainville said:
Get in line guys :lol: I too am waiting for the ENC28J60 and the 10F22x to be released so I can get a few samples from Microchip...

You're so lucky to live in a country like Canada. In my city (Hong Kong) microchip ask you for full details of your business and project planned and sending a personnel to visit you before they offer you several pieces of their IC sample. :cry:
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