Sorry to hear about the family issues especially when there's little kids involved.
I hope it all works out ok.
Re the PSU I couldn't have a workshop without a fully adjustable supply and have a few. The one above with fixed voltages is just the one I use for 5v stuff like PICs etc we were talking about.
If you don't have a fully adjustable supply then it will be many times for useful to you then a +/-18v unit. You could rewire it to use the 36v into a LM317 (or two if you want adjustable current limiting, I would choose that if this is your first adjustable supply). It's only a handful of parts; a couple of LM317s, a pot, few resistors and caps etc and some type of switch for the current limiting.
I always put dual meters on adjustable supplies, volts and amps and have a preference for analog moving-coil type meters as I like to watch the ammmeter move in response to load, a nice benefit you don't really get with digital ammeters.
As for the 5v regulator it sounds like you already have that, so for current limiting the 5v rail you just add a LM317 before it with a 3 resistors and a switch like my setup or a rotary switch and as many resistors to suit. Maybe you shoudl start a thread if you plan a nice PSU build? I'm sure lots of people will have suggestions.
Re the front panels, generally in the past I have drawn them on Corel and taken the file to a trophy engraving shop, if it's not a rush job you can negotiate quite low prices to get it engraved on plastic two-colour material. On some jobs I had just laser printed the art onto coloured cardboard and sprayed with clear lacquer (don't use bubbeljet as it runs!) and glued that onto the front panel.