Has anyone seen this PIC programmer before

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Wow, that's quite a lot of.... stuff.

I would stick with protoboards! There's a lot of crap here, little of what you need, and some might mess with the system. For example, those "LEDs showing the state of every pin" will interfere with an input to the PIC that does not have a low impedance. And there's no real development room here anyways... it's not really even a development board, more like a demo.

The PIC socket should preferrably be a ZIF but it's just a regular socket.
that was my question ., where is the zif socket?
also the LCD is optional i think..
looks cool though..
I guess you dont want to make it yourself..?
I do want to make it myself I just like to do alot of research before I commit I want one that is beginner friendly and I will not out grow in a few weeks of trainning and be able to program all types of PIC's

Also I did not know they had a 40pin PIC?
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