Hatchery controller and thermostat project

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Well-Known Member
i thought i would start a thread where i could post stuff related to my project in one place as several forum members have been kind enough to assist me, i will document and post code and pictures as the project progresses. I hope by doing this others may find the info of use.
first of all some background to what i need to achieve and different phases and goals i am aiming for. I run a rare breed poultry and waterfoul farm, we also farm quail, gease, both common and rare breed pheasent and game birds on top of this we also breed rare birds of prey for wild release under a goverment scheme.
now how we do this at the moment is with many non standard incubators in several out buildings.We are going to house everything in another building now so its all together, the incubators will hold between 50 and 1500 eggs each depending on what we are using them for. our problem is there isnt a comercial product that can cope with the diversity of use we need and to have one custom designed and built is silly money. so i am building the incubators and controll systems myself with some great help from others on here.

Phase one.
phase one goal is to build a straight forward thermostat using a pic that displays temp to a lcd, nothing fancy and pre set in code. this needs to be completed in 2 weeks and is for a proof of concept meeting i have booked.
heating will be by on/off heating element that is same as what you will find in a toaster and is rated 240v 200w, to start with there will probaly be only one in each incubator

phase 2 will be two add an adjustable LCD menu system so that the tempreture and hystasis can be set to any given value. this needs to be complete mid feb. at the end of feb i will need to start using theese as i will be hatching for the game season and i will need bigger capacity than i have at present, so i will need a basic working system while i continue to develop it. i should point out all the testing will be done on a test incubator i have ready to set up wich will have artificial eggs in it, the reason for artificial eggs will be apparent later

in phase 3 i need to add more sensors in the smaller units this will be 4 DS18s20's and the larger units will use 6-8 sensors, this is because each egg tray layer needs to be sampled, also in stage 3 i will add forced air, what we use at present and i wish to continue to use is a bank of 3-4 12v fans in each egg layer, exactly like the ones you find in a pc, theese are on when the sensor for that layer is below the set point and switch off when that layer reaches temp, at the mo each layer is has all fans on that layer on or off at the same time, what i want to do is pulse them on and off in diff sequences per layer. phase 3 has yet to be time scale set as each time frame is set at each new meeting. also from phase 3 on the project is likely to change and evolve at it progresses

i will post details of further phases later, please feel free to coment etc. i will post code and pics as i progress

further posts regarding the overall goal and phases i will edit and post in this first post
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hi G11,
At some stage during incubation how are you going to 'roll' the eggs.

The method I have seen is were the eggs are in a tray, in individual depressions that are slightly larger than the egg.
As the tray is tilted from time to time, the eggs roll about one diameter within the over sized depression.
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I recently created an open source temperature controller with LCD, you can see it on this page;
Shift1-LCD Temperature Controller
(under 2 projects; Shift1_Temp and Shift1_Temp_2)

The Shift 1 PCB and the PIC 12F675 are both very inexpensive. If you don't want to purchase the cheap Shift1-LCD kit then it is open source so you can etch your own PCB etc and still use my source code.
thank you for the replys. as yet i havnt posted the full storey. the eggs will be on rollers that will turn rather than using the try method it is more efficiant saves space and you get less deformities from eggs that are laid on there side. at the mo i am concentrating on the thermostat but the control for the rollers will be intergrated with the thermostat.

I have looked at your Shift1 RB and origanaly i was indeed going to use it for phase one however the decision was taken to develop a new system that will incorporate many different aspects from humidity to turn rate to air flow control etc etc, once i get alot more of it built we will start to build in monitoring and logging to a networked pc. there is much work to do and we exspect the whole thing not to be complete untill sept 2011. so with this in mind it seemed better to design from the groud up. however i have looked at your thermostat project and i have to say i like it a great deal.

as the next few days pass hopefully i will have time to post all the details of how eventualy the system will operate then it should become clearer why we have decided to go the route we have chosen. eventualy we will have gone from approx 4-5000 hatches a week to 9,000+

Sounds like an interesting project - a couple of things that might help you on your way.

Map out your menu / message system now as trying to add or modify it to a large project at a later time can be very troublesome.

Also consider a glcd for your display instead of what I assume would be a 2x16 lcd which is difficult to use to display 8 temp sensors. A simple lo cost 128x64 glcd from RS can readily display text as 8 x16
Like the menu, its something that must be included at the beginning of the project, although a bit more complicated to setup, once in a subroutine it as easy to use as a standard lcd.

Expect your network connection will be one of the later additions so in the mean time a remote alarm for low/ high temps would be valuable. For short range wireless some low cost Sparkfun 433mhz boards and Nigels Manchester coding works fine.

If you want to sense humidity as well a temperature then consider the SHT sensors, although the SHT11 / 15 are quiet expensive you can get the SHT10 for a good price from **broken link removed**
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thanks for the info, i was wondering about the menu system i can see your point about doing that first then implementing as i go, the lcd isnt an issue as it will be used eventualy maily to set options a pc will act as a main display for all the sensors on a graphical display to make it easy for staff to use, the lcd only needs to display one temp at a time witch can be swapped by a switch. the network connection will probally be via pc again over our lan, maybe even as simple as using vnc or dameware from the office to access and control main pc, at the moment it isnt something we have gone into in depth. unfortunately i cant map the whole project out at once as other outside factors make have a bearing on how we decide to progress wich is why from the outset i need to be flexiable enough to allow the project to evolve, rather than set in stone
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