Have EE degree but never used it. Too late for me?

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I worked as a tech and eared a tech degree then earned my BSEE in 1993. I never worked as an engineer. I am 54. Any advice for finding employment as an engineer? Thank its too late for me?
I worked as a tech and eared a tech degree then earned my BSEE in 1993. I never worked as an engineer. I am 54. Any advice for finding employment as an engineer? Thank its too late for me?

Contact small businesses that have their own product development and that are interesting to you. Be active. It takes a while to find a company that is hiring, but when you find one, you have quite good chances. Learn from every contact you make.
If I had my own business, I would not consider you age a disadvantage.. Depending on your skills, I could possibly consider it an advantage.
I agree... It's not too late.... The only glitch I see is that you will not have moved on with the times. That said, refreshing your knowledge wouldn't be too much of a problem..
I agree with both posts above, Never give up, just keep your eyes and ears open. Some places the main requirement would be a degree in anything.
You probably have to change companies. Some companies do not allow people to advance. OR Talk to your boss and ask for more advanced tasks.

Some spots really need a tech/engineer. They can not afford both.
I am a person that barely made it through High School...so I am not qualified to give any type of definitive answer.
But.....I would think there are all kinds of possibilities for someone with your educational horse power, and perhaps more importantly, your excellent work/employment record.
Maybe not the typical new hire engineer position that a young guy would get at Bechtel.....but I would think there must be all kinds of niche, creative, outside the box maybe even start-up type jobs available for you.
I could be dead wrong of course...but if I had your degrees, I would be quite happy, and would be looking at the job market with a positive, and encouraged potential for a great new employment experience.
I would think, if your finances are anywhere near decent, that you may be in for the best job of you life.
best of luck
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