I designed a circuit containing an hcnr200 analog isolator. I designed this circuit completely according to datasheets. Today, my circuit came from jlcpcb. I started soldering in the evening. First I soldered the part where the hcnr200 is located. it didn't work and I don't know what the problem is. I directly share the diagram of the circuit board I sent to jlcpcb. In the diagram, VCC1 and GND1 are the voltage in the isolated part. This voltage is 12 V. Likewise I used VCC and GND from another source 12v. While the input voltage was 0-10v, I lowered it at 0-3.3v for the convenience of me in the forward steps. I did this with RN1 603x4 10k 1% resistors. I aimed to isolate this with an analog isolator, but regardless of the input voltage of the isolator, I see a constant 300mV voltage from the voltage follower at the output. I changed the output resistors to 10k, 100k or even 10MEG, but nothing changed. All of these resistors are 1% sensitive.
I quoted the circuit diagram from the datasheets in figure 12.b. I had not tried hcnr200 before that. I am using it for the first time and I am still having problems at the first stage of the pcb. I did not solder the next parts of the pcb. I'm testing it cleanly and away from conductors. Having problems at the first stage made me very sad. please help me.