Headlights and Dims design

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New Member
We are designing a our own loom for our rally car and in the interests of making the buttons as accessible as possible we are mounting a few of them on the steering wheel. This problem arises with the Headlights and Dims.

You can see our design below. Basically we have a few questions that you may be able to answer.
1. Is this an efficent design in terms of the amount of relays?
2. We would prefer to have the dims to head switch an vice versa to work in tandem with the push button switch on the steering wheel instead of the current design which needs a toogle a switch and a push button.
Ideally when the lights are on the push button just alternates between dims and heads everytime you push it.
Example Last setting lights are in dims mode. Press the button and the lights switch to full. Press the button again and the lights go to dims and so on.
Now if the lights are switched off then if you hit the button we want it to flash the lights until the button is realased.

Considering a rally car would be an extreme harsh environment and whatever we do needs to be extremely reliable can anyone suggest a way of doing this?

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Take a look at this page:
simple headlight relay wiring

... Could you modify it to suit your purposes? .... This circuit could also be made to work for separate high and low beams.

The flasher circuit might be a separate issue .... using a flasher module.

If not suitable ... please explain.....
There isn't any advantage in modifying the diagram you supplied as it not too dissimlar to our own.
I've redesigned my headlights as you can see into a simplier setup and moved away from the first design.

However I think I need a diode on the dims so that when the parks are turned on they can't power the dims aswell.

Is there an easier way to do it? And if not can you suggest a suitable diode.

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