Hi there,
It is nice to see that people care about their animals comfort in the cold winter
Long time ago i built a small animal heater for hamsters kept in an aquarium.
I had to lower the heat quite a bit in winter to save on the heat bill and i
didnt want the hamsters to get too cold.
I built this one out of a coffee can with a metal lid with a hole drilled in the top
for the wire. To keep the animals from chewing the wire, a half inch copper
tube was used that was soldered to the top of the coffee can and the wire
was pushed up through the tube and out the top of the aquarium.
Inside the coffee can i put a socket and a 6 watt night light bulb.
The 6 watt night light bulb didnt keep the entire aquarium warm, but would
keep the immediate surrounding area warm.
When i would get home from work at night the little critters would all be
snuggled around the coffee can
The trick to getting it right usually boils down to careful experimentation.
Try a small wattage at first and monitor the temperature with a wireless
thermometer. If it's not warm enough, use more resistors. If you use
low voltage to power the heater it will also be safer for the dog when it
rains. I dont think you want to fry the little guy