Heating and Sensing - Ceramic Element and NTC

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Well-Known Member
Anyone know any tutorials or lessons on how to heat up and sense temp. Kind of like how 3D Printers heat up the filament with a Ceramic element and Temp sensor like an NTC or RTD...
What temperature are you aiming for? Melted plastic (200C), drying herbs (40C) incubating chickens eggs (30 C)? They will all use PID but with different sensors and heating elements depending on the required temperature.

I've used 24V soldering iron elements for that kinda thing. What kind of area/volume/material are you trying to heat?

Small anti-static bags. So about 3in x 1/8 in but I want to use a metal block. Steel or something. So the actual steel part would be 1in x 4in max.
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