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New Member
im communication & electronics engineering,i wana make a device that can take all the informations from another device(like pic's,videos,pdf's......etc)lets say that its like blackhole,without the owners notce or know,so i wana anyone to help me in my graduation project,anyth can help.
We are NOT DEAF!!!

EDIT: your post and change the font/size etc**broken link removed**
For someone in communication you're not very good at communicating.

Eric, sorry, I fed the troll.
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For someone in communication you're not very good at communicating.

Eric, sorry, I fed the troll.

hi Mike,

I think his comms skill's are for a 'Town Cryer' Oh Yaa, Oh Yaa
PS: almost forgot the bell.!
lets say that its like blackhole,without the owners notce or know,so i wana anyone to help me in my graduation project,anyth can help

Wow, good luck you'll need it.

PS what does a singularity have to do with your EE assignment?
So basically he wants help building something to steal information?

Yeah, we'll get right on that!
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