Hello Electro Tech

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Hello Electro Tech,

I am a projector manager with in the Telcom industry and have many ideas that I would like to see come to light. In addition to my professional position I am a hobbyist by heart. I would like nothing more but to work on some of my ideas as a hobby. The majority of these ideas will require me to become proficient with in the art of electronics. I love to learn and love to share my ideas with others.

With all of this said I am also a realist and strive to provide solutions that the average consumer can operate and understand. In the same instance I understand, that in all likely hood I will not be able to accomplish this task alone.

Up until this point I have sold my ideas to various programming, electronic and equipment vendors whom have used their engineers to reap the higher benefits from my ideas.

I would love nothing more but to have the personal satisfaction of developing and manufacturing my own ideas.

I understand that this will not happen over nights, weeks, months but with years of learning.

What sources can I be directed to kick start the adolescent mind in Electronics?


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I have been fumbling with electronics for 42 - 5 = 37 years, and I'me still fumbling. Ask a lot of questions but get your hands dirty. Build stuff, blow stuff up, and remember, invention is 1% inspiration and 99% persperation.
I have found that when I experiment with electronics, I rarely "blow stuff up". More accurately, I tend to "let the smoke out". Seriously though, if you aren't damaging a component or two once in a while, you aren't truly experimenting.

My instructor in college used to tell us that every success in the development process takes an average of 5 failures. My experience backs it up.
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