hello everyone

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Nobody ever sees the goofy backward hermits who hide in the North of Canada.
The Canadian hosers know that American beer is watered down.

I finished listening to many of the different accents in Britain. I couldn't understand half of what they were saying. I think it was supposed to be English.

I think such examples tend to be particularly bad, not at all 'normal'. American TV programmes and films tend to portray the English with cockney accents (usually absolutely unreal ones) - whereas it's only a VERY, VERY tiny percentage of the population, from one small section of London, who ever talked like that.
I enjoy the in-house ad campaign running recently on the BBC here in America.

"Because not even British people can always understand British accents, we hereby grant you the use of closed captioning."


The link with the clips from above has nothing to do with American television programmes or films. They are from the British Library and to quote the site:

"You can listen to 71 sound recordings and over 600 short audio clips chosen from two collections of the British Library Sound Archive: the Survey of English Dialects and the Millennium Memory Bank."

The only one that should portray any use of, what you call, cockney would be the man from Peckham. Quite frankly, his speech isn't that bad. Simulated British accents on American television are far worse.
TekNoir said:
The link with the clips from above has nothing to do with American television programmes or films. They are from the British Library and to quote the site:

Yes I know, but they pick particularly bad examples - ones which exaggerate the accent. I wasn't thinking they were American 'english' accents, those are worse!

An old friend of mine moved to the states 25+ years ago, when he comes to visit over here everyone says what a horrible American accent he has, yet in the states they still say he has an English accent!
Hi Nigel,
Your friend who has been in America for 25+ years drinks a glass of Wo-Tah. Americans drink a glass of water. Canadians drink good beer.
Some places in America have horrible accents that are hard to understand.
That place in america is called the South

They are pretty much retarded. In the north you wait 5-15 minutes for your food in a resturant. In the south, they take about 30minutes to get your food. Everything is just a bit slower in the south, proof they are retarded
audioguru said:
Hi Nigel,
Your friend who has been in America for 25+ years drinks a glass of Wo-Tah. Americans drink a glass of water. Canadians drink good beer.
Some places in America have horrible accents that are hard to understand.

Funnily enough he lived in Medina, so he was 'almost' Canadian!
In the south, they take about 30minutes to get your food.
In the South, the customers are intelligent enough to sustain a conversation, while the food is prepared with the attention that it deserves.
Medina, Saudi Arabia is the second holiest city in Islam. I don't think it is copied from Italy.
I looked at the satellite pic of Medina, Minnesota on Google Earth. It looked warm, not cold.
I didn't see an Englishman running around.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Sorry, Medina, New York - although looking at Autoroute it's not that far away.

My bad, I had a British history teacher that basically matched your description...it was almost a "what a small world" moment.
theinfamousbob said:
My bad, I had a British history teacher that basically matched your description...it was almost a "what a small world" moment.

I wouldn't like to imagine John as a teacher!

He was into Electronics, and we used to DJ together - at one time he ran a small recording studio in Medina.
audioguru said:
The Canadian hosers know that American beer is watered down.
Aside from Molson's, Canada is not a country known for its beer. Now Holland and Germany on the otherhand produce some fine brew. I guess it depends upon what specific type of liquor a nation is good at producing. The better wines come from France and Italy. The smooth bourbons come from America as well as the "mountain water" beers. Canada produces some decent whiskey. Japan is known for teriyaki sauce and China is number one with McDonald's toys.
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