Hello *newb* alert - Swordfish Compiler

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New Member
I've been using PBP for about 2 years and recently stumbled upon the Swordfish compiler

I've done a search here at electro-tech and google etc, though I was wondering if I could get some fresh community thoughts on the Swordfish compiler, pro's con's welcome!!

User gramo has tutorials on his web site using SF (swordfish).
Most people here like it.

It is powerful version of basic. Something of a bridge between Basic and C.
I've heard many good things about Swordfish. For future learning I'd recommend leaning more towards C but swordfish is a good next step.
Thanks for the replies, no-one had anything negative to say - always good.

I've found digital-diy to be handy to say the least, got a few posts up there already, thanks for your suggestions and thoughts
as a fellow noob (about 3weeks in) who has had no previous experiance, my vote would be to go with c for me personaly there seems to be a lack of good easy to understand material for swordfish, and once you start to get used to it c dosnt seem that bad, i am only just grasping the basics of c but already i prefer it way better than swordfish
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