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My name is Stephanie.. and I am here to ask a small question. Or maybe it's a big question, I am not sure.

Ok.. I've had this idea for a little while, and because I am not electronically gifted, I don't know if it's possible.

First I should say: I believe that hemp can help to end poverty.
Second: Hemp is illegal in lots of places because there is a problem being able to tell the difference between weed and hemp. The THC content level for hemp is, at the most, 0.03%. and for weed it's 3% and higher.

I was wondering if it is at all possible to reduce the process of THC testing down to a hand held device that can be carried by officials, to quickly extract and read the Level of THC.

The way it is done now, is in laboratory testing which takes weeks to produce results(I read just recently that there is a device that can extract blood and detect cancer within minutes, so I can't help but be hopeful). Here is a brief run down of how it's done here in Canada:
**broken link removed**

Ok.. So I don't know if we can do this. I don't even know if it's a good idea(I wonder if I am missing something, because I've contacted people about it before, and have had no reply. (I'm not losing faith, I'm just wondering if I am crazy)

Thanks for reading. Hope everyone is well!
The whole hemp illegality irks me to no end. It's just a plant, and the fiber is as good or better than cotton, as far as a fiber it's better as far as I know. You linked a refrence to Candian testing standards, however you need to determine the legal limits you need to meet in your immediate area, you need to contact a lawyer to determine the basic legal criteria by which you can meet those criteria. It's unfortunately not an easy task. THC legislation in the US as far as non-criminality goes is on the flux right now, which could be a boon to farmers that are raising hemp crops for fiber. It's a very 'cutting edge' topic in politics nowdays
Thanks so much. I really didn't know where to start with it. But I will definitely get in contact with a lawyer.
I would just like to say..
If anyone has any more advice, or can see a problem with the idea, I would appreciate every word, whether harsh or gentle.
Thanks again.
I was wondering if it is at all possible to reduce the process of THC testing down to a hand held device that can be carried by officials, to quickly extract and read the Level of THC.
Maybe a pipe and lighter?
Certainly not, I can't think of anything worse. But if this equipment is carried by certified officials it should be ok - it wouldn't hurt if some of them could lighten up.

Re your testing device, I guess you need some form of chemical detector (e.g. colour-change chemical like those used in urine testers Erowid Experience Vaults: Cannabis Urine Testing - THC Detection Times in Occasional Smoker - 37341 or spray **broken link removed**), and either you can compare the colour change to a chart (like they do for pool water chlorine tests) or use your fancy/expensive electronic reader device. I would guess that just reading it by eye against a chart would be cheaper.

Oh my gosh.. awesome. Yes. beautiful!
I knew you guys were the ones to ask.
Ok.. so one more thing..
What if I turned it into a competition? Where I could raise money for the winning design.. and if I am able to pitch it and it is accepted, then the winner can reap the rewards all the way through. Maybe the reward will be to lift the ban in the US and the ability to bring Hemp to places like Africa, Asia Pacific and the Andes.. but doesn't that sound like love?! Or should I try to build it on my own.. with baby steps. I have no problem with doing this.. because at least that way I won't feel like i'm thieving your guys' genius. Only thing is, it would take longer. It would be nice to slap the machine on the DEAs desk and be like here.. try this then..

Thanks for being born! I have to go to bed.. I think I've given myself a headache.
Why not genetically engineer a fast growing very low alkaloid strain of hemp which is no use for drugs, and at the same time engineer in a visible marker like striated leaves or some colour difference etc.

Then you would increased fibre production and have a very easy visible indication (so you don't need to do testing), that could even be compatible with the aerial illegal crop detecting systems that they currently use.

Maybe even add a scent component too.
Good call dougy, I forgot they made kits like that. There has to be some way to use similar methods to titrate THC to get a PPM count out of a known sample size. I tried a quick Google search for titration of THC but there isn't a lot of obvious info. I do know that THC has a low vaporization temperature so heating the sample in a small chamber will cause the THC to enter a gaseous state but concentrating it and measuring is a matter for someone that knows chemistry, it's a complex organic compound so I'm not sure it's easy.

I would agree with that if it doesn't affect the nutritional value of the seed. With genetically modified anything, there is also a risk that a big company, will patent it. And from that point on hemp would become just another cash crop, benefiting only a few tough guys.

And as far as I know, researchers have already located the gene that makes the THC, so I think that's the way it's going. Don't get me wrong though.. I do believe the intended outcome is for the better of the people, but we know what they say about good intentions.

I'm glad to see it from different angles though. Finally it's not just stuck in my head. Thank you.

looks like I have some heavy reading to do
I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate all of your help.
The bio-active components cannabidiol, cannabinol, and THC have fairly low flash points- 206.3°C, 212.7°C, 149.3°C.
Simply weighing a piece of plant matter, heating it to just over 149.3C, and reweighing it would give THC percentage. I don't think there's significant quantities of substances within a hemp leaf with flash points near or below that. The other two- cannabinol in particular- are closer to water's boiling point and unfortunately the % of weight lost would also include water. However, the THC is the primary concern there.

Cannabinol is bio-active but generally not considered psychoactive.

Cannabidiol is psychoactive, but in a much lesser sense than THC. Its content varies widely by species and growing process, but it can be up to 40% of the extract content. From what I can tell cannabidiol is not intoxicating in itself though I don't know what the legality is of it as a substance. THC is the clear intoxicant here so testing for THC is the clearest basis for legality. I've seen it said that cannabidiol "enhances" the actions of THC, others say it "blocks" it. But they seem to say it's probably got no useful intoxicating activity of its own if it were packaged and used separately.

So, a test for THC alone is probably the key.

Actually, I gotta note that the industrial hemp thing has a problem. Industrial hemp is below 0.3% THC, "smokeable" drug is 6%-20%. Thus it is impractical to smoke 20x the volume in industrial hemp to get high. All the non-THC components in that much burning plant material would make a person quite sick, and take a very long time to smoke. However, not in a vaporizer. Since the vaporizer is a simple and effective method of purifying the THC out of a plant, 20x the mass of plant material wouldn't be a major problem, the initial mass was quite small anyways. Thus I believe the basic premise that industrial hemp has no drug value is false. It is less practical to transport in bulk form, but if it were legal to grow and transport then that's hardly a problem. Also anyone could obtain bulk quantities and easily refine it into a pure THC resin to transport and sell illegally, so it's not really the limiting factor it's purported to be.
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aw.. my heart broke a little there. I wonder why it's considered such a bad thing to explore our spirituality. I'm guessing genetically modifying it(as mentioned by Mr RB), is the only way. If it's available to everyone then it could be a wonderful thing.. I just can't see it turning out that way.
Methinks tisn't a hemp bikini the lass pines for.

Well.. I started to see it as a safety net.. like a golden thread that could strengthen our 'fabric of life'. I actually saw it in a dream, grown in all regions of the world, such that it would always be there so no one would fall through the cracks. I saw it filling in all the gaps of deforestation so that the air system could be juicy again! I light up when it's in my mind and heart. Things get dark though when when all the old rules cloud the possibility of it being naturally free.
If vapourising of THC is so easy and occurs at 149^C then just ensure that all sellers bake their fibre at some temp above that prior to selling it. That way the THC content will be much less than the original 0.03%. What the seller does with the concentrated resin is up to them, but the fibre they ship will be free from it. It also makes testing for the presence of THC simpler using the drug kits - as (hopefully after baking) there will be too little of the compound to detect, making the pass/fail criteria more robust (due to the huge difference in THC content between weed and baked fibre); this makes testing simpler & cheaper.
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It's a matter of control. The government could never control this; if it were legal to grow and possess and process into fiber, it will inevitably be refined secretly. The government already finds itself largely unable to stop domestic growing, and that requires months, and either a highly visible outdoor location or a secure indoor location and a lot of equipment.

AFAIK the commercial fibers are the stems and don't even contain THC, but the leaves and buds would contain some. That would be tons of waste product, and the government would essentially be "trusting" the manufacturer not to refine it, nor sell it to someone who might, nor to allow it to be disposed of where someone else could get it and refine it.

In fact, the reason the government doesn't allow the growing of industrial help now, or even before vaporizer technology became known, is that they believe it'd be too easy to use it as a cover for a drug crop. There are tests available, sure- but likely it's a matter of volume, making it impractical to prevent the drug crop from being produced and shipped alongside it. It would again mean literally "trusting" those involved, which would not likely work. You CAN keep industrial hemp grades separate from drug grades if you set out to do so. On the other hand, they can readily hybridize and if you wanted to push it by producing questionable cross-breeds, it would be difficult to stop.

Freely selling the nonsterilized drug-grade seeds as "industrial hemp" seeds would be impossible to stop, for example. No test will readily distinguish the two. And even if it could, the seller could simply defend himself by saying he did not know. It is impractical to reliably establish beyond a reasonable doubt that he knowingly sold them, since they can't be told apart. So it's very difficult to regulate the industry.

I kind of think the value of hemp is probably overstated. It's quite USEFUL, yes, but hardly enough to save the world. Sisal fibers make fine rope and other products too, but sisal's nothing to get excited over.

Ok. but don't you think that we are sorta liberating ourselves from our governments. Learning how to be a freeman, requires an understanding of what we really are and not what we are tagged as, i.e., a person right? All the laws are attached to our person. We are free, and we are beginning to see what that means.

Ten months ago, I asked myself: How the hell can I have, on reserve, honey oil, so that when the studies come to the surface regarding its action on ceramide, we will be able to help ourselves physically heal. That of course streaming along self respect for our bodies, so as to refuse the poison being pumped into our daily foods. We have forums like this, I think, because by nature we are preparing ourselves to self govern. As far as I can tell, we are in very unstable and very super exciting times. We have open access of information.. School is online.. we don't feel the need to go into institutions to learn( I mean we still do, and it's still fun, but we have the ability to learn through passion; through multitasking; and freedom of expression) We are learning to learn faster. So learning, movement and repose.. that feels like our direction.. But that's just what I see. I don't know if it's right.

But something is telling me to prepare. Because what could come after self governance is yet but a dream
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