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New Member
hi to all..
my name is haris and I'm 17 years old..i'm new here..
i come from bosnia...and i'm interest for electronic..in my free time i repair mobile phones and other stuffs like radio for cars...tv...audio sistem for cars..and else...
i also like make electronics projects...and i made a lots of that..so i think thet i can help to others in their electronics problems..and others can help me in my 'electronics problems'..
Hi there Haris,

We talk about lots of electronics stuff here from the very simple to the
exceedingly complex. It will be nice to have you join in too.

Take care,

(posted under wrong one the first time)
Hi there Haris,

We talk about lots of electronics stuff here from the very simple to the
exceedingly complex. It will be nice to have you join in too.

Take care,

(posted under wrong one the first time)
i now that and think that i can help to others in their problems..i now a lots of thinks about electronics....i think..we will see..is that true..
Hi again,

Oh really? Sounds good. Perhaps you can help others here with
their projects and questions too.
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