Help......... 12C509A hex back to asm????

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New Member
Does anyone know how to convert this hex program file back to asm so i can be able to burn it to other chips? You see i read another chip for wich a program i would like to copy and i saved it..... but, when i tried to write it to another it did not work......would anyone know how to disassemble the hex code to determin what needs to be changed to complete my project?


    1.7 KB · Views: 435

My programmer software, WinPicProg, will disassemble it, here's the resultant source code - which looks a little strange?.


    613 bytes · Views: 437

It took me a while to twig..... but you know why the asm looks weird..... the hex is from a code protected 508x, the first 64 words are never code protected (remember this if you are selling a 508 with less than 64 words).

egg0900, you need to read an un-code protected part..... if I was a cynic........ 8)

Hope this helps

is their anything i can do? I am constructing a door lock control module with a magnetic card. It will only read track two so their for i have a file i have downloaded from microchip but , i cant seem to get it to work...


    157.8 KB · Views: 374
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