[Help]3phase graphic using excel

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hello guys, i need ur help again hehe..
can u give me some information or something to help me to make 3phase graphic using excel?
3 sinus graphic in one graphic..
There are 3 variable (a,b,c)
my graphic start from 10 degrees(a), so, b will be start from 130degrees, c will be 250degrees..that`s right?
what i must compare to make it likes sinus graphic?
current and load?
In this case, That degrees using for sign of my graphic that start from 10, 130, and 250 degrees..
I try to googling..but i can`t..
So, i try to get information here..
I love this forum (sure)
Thx b4..
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Like this?

That`s right..
but in my case, it`s start from 10degrees (line Blue)-
130degrees(line red)-
250degrees(line blue) ..
can u give me excel file??
so i can modify that file..
I using Micrs.Office 07..
u can send to my email
1 again, if i using current and torque to make graphic like that??
Thx a lot b4..
OK, lets keep the discussion in the forum.

Refering to the attached screen shot.

1 Set up a series of data points for the x-axis, I have used 0 to 720 degrees in 10 degree steps.

2 Set up the phase differences, I used 0, 120 and 240 degrees.
You can use 10, 130 and 250 if you wish.

3 Set the formula for the first cell.
Excel uses radians for the Sin() function, so (2*PI()..../360) converts the degrees to radians.
B4 the cell with the degrees. (actually it would be better written as $B4.
$C$3 the cell with the phase difference. The other columns will be $D$3 and $E$3.

Now copy the formula to the other cells.

4 Select all four colomns of data and click on the "Scatter" chart icon, in the pop-up box click on the "Scatter with smooth lines" icon.

Job done! enjoy your pretty picture.



  • 3phases how to do it.JPG
    120.4 KB · Views: 391
Waw..very cool picture..
thx a lot sir..
but how to make pic like this..
**broken link removed**
when i input a, so b n c can be change..so we have the resultan of that picture..
Hehe..i`m sorry if i many ask to you hehe..
i just wanna learn more..
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