help building a atom ignition module

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New Member
hello everyone, i a newbie to circuits and i need some help! the circuit i wanting to build is the atom computer ignition module posed buy "debe" a few years back my problem is i dont understand how to read the schematic i know what the symbles are and what parts i need can anyone help me i can assemble it aka solder it togather but just can read the d%m schematic lol if anyone has pics of how they put thers togather i can copy it and thanks in advance. bigmrk
If you post the schematic, or a link to it, we may be able to help.
im having trouble uploading a pic of the schematic that i copied of debe's schematic but its here in this forum and if you google US paten # 4,163,437 you will find it, it a simple one using 3 resistors 1 capasiter and 2 transistors debe has worked out the values of all them, which are as follows (r1) is a 1.5k (r2) is a 1.5k (r3) is a 470sl (t1) is a bd649 vceo @ 8a npn (t2) is a dc337 and (c1) is a .47-mkt5-100v. but i just cant figure out how to wire it up he also posted his pics here so if you ca help me it will be apprecated
I've checked the US Patent, but I didn't spot any circuit with resistors labelled 'R2' and 'R3'. Also, most circuits shown there have additional components to the ones you mention. So it's unclear what your circuit is .

If you are able to participate in this forum you are able to post a schematic or a straight link to it.
It would also be nice if you could speak English and use punctuation. I don't know about anyone else, but I found your posts very difficult to read

I can post pictures of the assembly when i get back from holidays, about 3-4 days time.
im sorry if my punctuation is wrong and i do speak english and debe that would be great and the thread where i found this circuit is called "transistor ignition shematic" also debe's circuit is post #9 and also #18 and thank you
I haven't been able to find your circuit. The Search function on this site goes back only 1 year.
my problem is i dont understand how to read the schematic i know what the symbles are and what parts i need
If you know what the symbols represent then you can read any schematic. Just connect together (usually by soldering) components where they are shown as joined together in the schematic. Insert component 'legs' into holes in a circuit board and use interconnecting wires where necessary. In the case of transistors you must be able to identify the 'pin-out', i.e. which leg is the collector, emitter or base.
Hi bigmark, Heres pics & circuit of how to assemble the module. USE, BD651 for Q1 as it has a higher voltage rating Vceo 120V @ Ic 8Amp.


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This is the original instructions for the Atom ign module. The lead polarity is trial and error, if it doesnt work swap the leads over.


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many, many thanks debe for posting the pics and i hate to bother you but i have a couple of ?s, does r2 go to Q2 pin b and to Q1 pin c ? also does brown lead go to Q1 pin c ?
thank you debe this will get my old johnson outboard up and going and also my 5hp seaking and again thanks for all your help
I'm trying to build your circuit debe but I wasn't able to find the same parts at my local store. How critical is it to use 1% accuracy metal film resistors? For R1 and R3 I was only able to get 5% carbon film resistors. For Q1 I am substituting 2n6045 which is 8A 100V darlington. And for the capacitor the closest I could find was 0.33uF 100V at 10%, I have some 0.1uF high voltage caps that I can add in parallel to bump up the value if necessary.
This thread is fairly old & have since updated with better transistors for beter reliability. Some ignition systems were causing over heating of the transistor & failure due to HV spikes. I used metal film resistors for reliability. The 2N6045 transistor is too low a voltage rating. I found .47uf was the best value to give a reliable spark. Here is the updated circuit & you are beter using a 2SD1071 or BU931 transistor. & even they needed a 200V Mossorb acros the C/E of the transistor on some ignitions.
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