Help convert 12c508a file to 16F84

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I'am building this project **broken link removed** and i need to convert this 12c508a file to 16F84, but i need some help for it, i have added the 16f84 include file and the phone number i need but some other changes need to be done, i need to use RB0 instead of GPO
RB1 instead of GP1
RB3 instead of GP3



  • Taxi-ASM.asm
    5.1 KB · Views: 163
It's all mentioned on page 2 of the link you posted;
**broken link removed**

Also on this page of the same site:
**broken link removed**
That code is horribly written. Not a single variable anywhere and no config values. Hopefully it works with an 84 as advertised.

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