Help Converting Temperature to voltages

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I'm having a little bit of trouble with what Birdman told me in the chat last night. He kept throwing so many examples that it throws me off when I try to reverse that formula to convert the temperature in Fahrenheit to voltages. plus the .5mv/bit was wrong because 5V/1023 is a long string rounding up to about .005. That kind of throws me off too. I did a calculation attempting to use some of what he told me 75F calculated out to 150000 is that right or wrong. This has been my sticking point for a while. Thanks for any help that comes.

hi skeet,
As you say 5V as 1023 is 5/1023 = 4.887mV/bit
Over what range of Fahrenheit are you fitting the 0 to 5V.???
Skeeter a milliVolt is 1/1000th of a volt.
So 0.0048828125 volt is very close to 5 mV.
Need to keep your units under control.
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