Help finding a replacement relay for sealer


New Member
I'm by no means very knowledgeable about this kind of stuff but hoping a kind stranger can help me with this problem. I have these bag sealers where the boards die frequently. The manufacturer sells new boards for $200 but has told me the relays are usually the problem.

I've been searching for the relay that's on the board but have been struggling to find it. HSINDA 942H-1C-12DS
I thought it was maybe 4 pins based on the back of the board but from the images I have seen online it appears to be 5.

Can anyone help me find an equivalent?


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Thank you for replying. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that pulled up anything equivalent to what I'm looking for. It provided images of other relays.
I found a datasheet and it looks like your picture.
It is possible they clip one of the pins for the contacts to avoid having the 5th plated through hole for the part. Take one of the relays off of a failed board to see if this is the case.
Thank you! I was looking at the 1A ones earlier but didn't know if that would work. Also didn't know you could clip a pin off and have it still work! That may be it! I'll take a board home and see if I can get it off and find out. Thank you again
Pinouts are :

Yours is 1C , the other 1A, so if yours only uses one pole.....PCB looks like its only using one pole....

Regards, Dana.
Also I just realized I posted the wrong image for the back of the pcb.
Here is the correct one and I'll edit the original post if I can.


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I was able to get that relay off and you were right. One of the pins had been snipped. Thank you so much for the help. I'm going to order some of those 1A relays and see how it goes. Appreciate the help!


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If you are going to cut the pin, make sure to file any sharp points off the cut pin and put a good dab of epoxy on it to stop it arcing across to the track underneath.
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