help for doing line tracking robot project

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renu k pillai

New Member
i am along with my friends planning to do line traching robot as our mini project.we all are beginners in doing these type of circuits.will you please asist us for doing our projects.please mention the important things that we must consider before doing the project.we want to know whether the circuit using trasistors is good or not.we hope your help and guidances.
thank you
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you can use a microcontroller with sensors. You also need servo motors. The sensor signal will feed a microcontroller that in turn will control the appropriate motor.

here is a super simple circuit for a line following robot.

Use two IR-reflective sensors along a track which should be gray or black. As long as both sensors "see" a reflective surface (focussing 3mm above object) the robot will move straight.

If the centerline is left (by moving across it) one sensor's view is interrupted giving control signal to an H-bridge, which drives and reverses the steering motor.

The small single sided PCB layout accomodates all parts (except for the enable switch) and measures 52.5463X36.83 (2.07X1.45")

The ground fill underneath the H-bridge IC is necessary for cooling.

Since there is no control signal to resume normal steering after course correction the robot will very likely zigzag along the course.

I just made up the circuit for you for a start.



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you're all making this too complicated, you may have missed the part where he said that they are beginners, but using micro-controllers and this L6202 is way too complicated for someone new. there is a much simpler solution; go to your local radio shack, and buy these parts; BA324, 4 photo resistors, a 20k potentiometer, a few resistors (no less than 470 ohms), a few LED's (2 green, 2 red, 2 yellow, 4white), a few motors, and some transistors (PNP). you can check out the link that I've posted, or you can wait a few days until my computer is working properly when i can post the schematic. you can buy his book, in which case i know that you can find the schematic.


the guy is a robot fanatic. the IC that he used in his prodject is a dual comparator, the BA324 is a quad op-amp, but it still does the same thing.
here are a few schematics that are similar to what i was thinking of. all you have to do is use 2 of the quad op-amps and hook them up in a similar manor. that leaves you 2 more op-amps to use for something else (you can look in my albums in my profile, you may find something useful)

the only thing that i would do is add a pot to the +V side of the photoresistors to calibrate the robot.
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