help for minor project

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New Member
i ma in ec branch .we have to submit a minor project based on microcontroller 8051.........
friends if u have any project related to that mc plz reply...........

i m thinking to make a temperature sensor which will display it's output in leds..............

plz if u understand my problem send me the code n circuit diagram ..............


i also think to make a security system in which visitor has to enter a password n then n only then he is able to enter in the room otherwise a buzzer will alrm up .............

plz help meeeeeeeeee

waiting fr ur reply....................
u r @ school 2 learn.....
stop sleeping in class and do you own work.

Had you come here, with a design of your own, in need of help, you would have gotten it.
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Why do the younger generation (i.e. mostly still students) communicate on a forum like this as if they are sending an SMS?

u, plz, fr, ur .....

Or are they so lazy that they cannot even finish a full sentence and word it correctly?
Ive noticed that there are a ton of kids that sign up on this forum and say "im doing this for school, so someone send me the code and schematic". Lazy much? Seriously, no one wants to spoonfeed them if theyre not willing to do their own work.

That and (not to be racist) but a lot of middle-eastern people doing the same thing, with a post like "hi its nigel from iran i need 1 million watt inverter from AA battery help plz"

I'm 17, and it gives people like me a bad name when kids come on to the forums and talk with such stupid slang and with such terrible requests.

The funny ones are those that leave it to the last day (kutalinelucas ) and try to "cram" the project into one night. Good luck buddy.

Some of their projects just aren't that simple. Even a few weeks or a month is pretty short notice for some of these student projects.
i also think to make a security system in which visitor has to enter a password n then n only then he is able to enter in the room otherwise a buzzer will alrm up .............

plz help meeeeeeeeee

Any other projects which 'you' have designed, which you want others to do for you? I imagine you would like these sent to your private mailbox, so that no one else can see them, and steal your ideas.
ParkingLotLust, I think you may be an exception, however, I don't find young people in this country (can't can't canada) so different. Students in other countries work hard- at least they put in long hours, but often copy each others work, and memorize by rote, what they need to pass the exam.
The shocking news I recently heard, is that in Canada, you no longer need intelligence to get a high school diploma; you just attend every class and you will not be failed. No wonder we are so lacking in ambition, confidence, and drive!
When I first went to Asia, I was angry when I learned that the Asian stereotype of Westerners is 'lazy and greedy,' however, after spending some time back here, I'm inclined to agree. Most people I have encountered here do only the minimum, and in many cases, not well at all.
I recently did a course in electronics, here, where 36 students began. About 12 finished the program, the rest failed out. It wasn't that they were lacking in intellect, but couldn't be bothered to pay attention in class, or do their homework. Of the 12 or so who finished, at least 9 of them were only interested in 'getting a job' and really had no interest in electronics for its own sake. Sad, so very sad!
Last time I checked, you can still fail, but now a "fail" is a 30% grade instead of a 0%, since studies showed that students know at least 30% of the course Dumb, I know.
The UK is quite silly as well!, exams are generally scored like this:

>90% = A*
>80% = A
>70% = B
>60% = C
>50% = D
>40% = E
>30% = F
<30% = U (ungraded)

So 30% is an F, but is still considered a 'pass' - however, only A-C grades actually count, school league tables are based on A-C grades, and any employer would only be interested in A-C grades.

I can only imagine it's because of this wierd idea you can't tell someone they have failed? - a kid getting an F knows damn well he's failed, even though they don't tell him

We take school kids on work experience, and you have to fill an evaluation form in afterwards, and it used to say "only make positive comments" - it does go in the childs permanent record. On one particularly bad student, my only (positive) comment was "He turned up eventually, on some of the days!"
So all they need is 30% to get to the next grade? And I thought it was bad here in the USA! Some "screwls" have stopped declaring winners in sports games. Sad.
^^ Here, you still need a 50% to pass, but if you dont hand in an assignment, you get a 30% instead of a 0%. I think its all a conspiracy, just because the teachers dont want to screw around teaching kids who really dont want to be there, so just push them through and they will be come someone else's problem.
You missed the G grade.

A-levels aren't quite so bad with the grade range being A to E and N (Nearly pass), below that you get a U (Ungraded).

At GCSE level there are two to three different levels of exam papers for different ability level students. For most subjects there are two: foundation which covers grades G to C and higher which covers grades D to A*. This isn't to bad unless you sit the wrong paper. For maths it's even worse, there are three papers: foundation for grades D to G, intermediate for grades E to B and higher for grades C to A*.

Lots of people would argue that grades G to F should be done away with, but I disagree because students with learning difficulties need them. I'm severely dyslexic so I didn't stand much chance of getting even a D at English and I'd rather have the E rather than nothing at all. Lol, I even sat the certificate of acheivement for English which covers grades below a G, just in case I didn't get the GCSE. It was retardedly simple, you even got marks for writing your name.
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