Help Getting Inchworm to Debug.

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New Member
So I finally got my inchworm hooked up to a PIC and at first everything went well. I built the circuit around the PIC and I am able to read/program it perfectly. However, after duplicating the Hello World program from blueroom's PDF, I didn't get any action on the LED. I tried to debug the PIC and now I am getting errors/lockups in the program, but ONLY in debug mode.

Specifically, the MBLAB says: "ICDWarn0015: Program memory has changed since last program operation? Continue with Debug operation?" when I try to step through the program.

Does anyone know why this occurs?

I'm sooo close!

Are you sure you did not see an error in the OUTPUT window about not being able to enter the debug mode. If so the most common problem in a bad config value or a problem with connecting the osc.

Did you use one of the processors on the INCHWORM hello world poster ? That is to say what PIC are you using ?
I'm sorry I forgot to mention which PIC I am using. I am using the PIC16F88, with the config set to use in the internal oscillator. Although there is no schematic on the poster for my PIC (only the firefly, which uses the same one) I was able to determine how to hookup the PIC from the data sheet and the other diagrams.

I am definitely able to enter the debug mode, the output window looks as follows:
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
Setting Vdd source to MPLAB ICD 2
Target Device PIC16F88 found, revision = Rev 0x8
...Reading ICD Product ID
Running ICD Self Test

Do I need to add anything to the circuit to enable debug mode?

edit: AH! I started changing some configuration options, based on the template Microchip provides, and I got the error you specified:

Any ideas now?
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The first error is normally cause by pressing a key while the asm window has focus. This changes the asm file and causes the error. Recompile/assemble to fix it.
The second error has various causes - debug turned off - master clear turned off - reserved location being used (SFR and program space). Have you got a nop at location zero as required with some chips.

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