An old friend of mine (I was his apprentice when I first started) in later years set up on his own, in a small rented shop selling and repairing TV's - and I was talking to him once, and he told me about a really strange fault he had. It was an Hitachi CRT set and it was doing all manner of really strange things (which I can't remember now, but it wasn't just one obvious fault).
After considerable effort he eventually realised that the set shouldn't have had a SCART socket on it (which is a European multipin AV/RGB IN/OUT socket), and the customer )or someone else had added one. There was space on the PCB for it, along with all the other required components, but they weren't fitted on this specific model because it was LIVE CHASSIS - so couldn't have external inputs unless the sockets were isolated. The TV model that had the SCART socket fitted, also added an isolated mains PSU to keep it safe. He removed all the spurious components, and the set then behaved perfectly.
I also had something 'similar' (but not a bodged set), it belonged to a very old friend of mine (I knew him from the pub when I was still at school) called Walter Warmsley - and this also was doing all manner of weird things, Again, after considerable time I noticed a bright reflection from a tiny point on the board when you looked at a certain angle.
I investigated closer, and the area in question was the isolated safety barrier (marked with painted white lines) between the primary and secondary of the PSU. With this very close examination I was able to spot a small piece of artificial Christmas tree, one of the tiny 'leaves', which was metallic and shorting across the safety barrier. Removing that cured all the problems.