Help Identifying Diode

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I'm looking for help identifying a diode I pulled from a car battery charger. The number reads: "D-148". I attempted to identify it myself using Google, but I just don't know enough to be sure.

Length: 9.74mm
Diameter: 4.96mm
Wire Diameter: 1.30mm

Thank you for your help.


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Do you need to identify it, or find a suitable replacement?
I'm more interested in finding a suitable replacement.

It will be an ordinary rectifier diode, assuming it is a 12V charger, a 50V or 100V rating will be OK, and then look at the rated current of the charger and choose one suitable, with some headroom if possible, the more expensive the charger, the more spare capacity needed. Inexpensive chargers are normally optimistic of their capabilities.

Something like this item 330645059951 on fleabay.
That package size and wire diameter is typical for a 3A rectifier diode, any common >100v 3A rectifier is likely to be ok.
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