help identifying ic in amp

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New Member
hello I have a small amp it is called a songtech studio jr. it was made probably in the mid 1980's because thats when I got it with my first guitar from "santa clause" any way it just quite working a few years ago and I've been trying to learn electronics so I figured I'd try to fix it I've almost completely disassmebled it drawing a schematic as I go. My first problem is that when it first quit working a few years ago I took out all the transistors not making notes what a dumb move but I didn't know very much about circuits then and I'm still not to clever but learning it has C1815 and C1815A npn transistors and A1266 pnp transistors and I found the data sheets for these but I'm not sure of the arrangement of them in the circuit when I complete my schematic is it possible to put it on here and maybe someone could help me? My second problem is one ic cx7932 I cannot find any data sheet for it and I don't know the pin arrangement in order to substitute something else. If anyone knows anything about it I sure would appreciate it. Also if anyone has ever seen or heard of one of thes songtech amps or knows where I could find a schematic I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks alot

CX7932 Sony Delay circuit DIP8

Found in the following Sony Models

KV-1948R KV1948R Chassis 30P\15
KV-2649R KV2649R CHASSIS 406A SCC-406B\03
KV-2650R KV2650R CHASSIS 406A SCC-406B\03
KV-2649RX KV2649RX Chassis 30P\14
KV-2650RX KV2650RX Chassis 30P\14
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