help in automationstudio

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New Member
i'm just using AS from few weeks and it has few libraries.from the tutorials i learnt from it . the program contain alot of libraries which i search for it and didn't find .
please can any one help me to find them.
You'll have to contact the store you bought it from.. or technical support of Famic Technologies. Did you buy the software directly from Famic? Do you have the educational or professional version?
no i have the educational version and it contain 10 libraries.
is that the standard for this version. i bought it from a store.
no i have the educational version and it contain 10 libraries.
is that the standard for this version. i bought it from a store.

The educational version comes with 6 months free technical support.
**broken link removed**
u turn to another object . i just ask for help not more!!!!!!!!!
any one can-------> say yes
can't ------------> say no
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