Help in identifying component

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I am repairing a power supply. Please I need help in identifying the white color cylindrical component. It is labelled T1 on the PCB.
It is a transformer or choke if some sort. It will almost certainly be a special part for that specific power supply.

Are there any other connections that the two pairs of wires visible in the photo?
It is a transformer or choke if some sort. It will almost certainly be a special part for that specific power supply.

Are there any other connections that the two pairs of wires visible in the photo?

These is the back side of the PCB and the red circled points are the soldered points of the cylindrical component
Definitely a complex and custom-made part, unfortunately.

Are you certain it is faulty? The driver transistors and other components usually (but not always) fail before transformers.
Definitely a complex and custom-made part, unfortunately.

Are you certain it is faulty? The driver transistors and other components usually (but not always) fail before transformers.

I am not sure it is faulty.
At times the power supply comes up and at times it does not come up.
when it does not power on i have noticed that the base pin of the driver transistor has full rated voltage 350v of the filter capacitors
while when working the base voltage is about 175v.

After discharging the capcitors it always power on.

It's almost absolutely certain that it's not faulty - it would be EXTREMELY unlikely.
I'd say the most likely cause is a failed electrolytic cap.

I have seen quite a few PSUs that will not work when turned on after being off some hours, but if left on for a while then turned off and on again, will start working. Every time I've done one of those it's been failed capacitors.

That's not a 100% guarantee, but definitely worth a try.

I did one last week with big can capacitors similar to those - when I took the old ones out, one read about the right value and another something less than a thousandth of what it was supposed to be.
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