help in programming PIC with Nokia 3310 LCD

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New Member
hi everyone

1st am new in PIC so give as simple it could be
i wana use PIC 16f84 and interface with nokia3310 LCD

i only know how use assembly code
most code nokia3310 LCD in net is in C language which am not good
if any body can help me how program it with assembly tht will be great help me

by the way
i wana do motor RPM and display it in this LCD
aljamri said:
...Why on mobile display ?...

because the 3310 screen is easy to find, cheap to buy, relativly easy to program, and is a dot addressable graphic screen.
thanx but i need to now how work with this LCD am new in working with LCD but i did many project without LCD as u nokia LCD u can get any where
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