Help indentifying Micro Controller

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New Member
Hi All,

Just wondered if you could assist me with identifying a mystery microcontroller or two - this might not be the best place for it so mods, don't hesitate to move me if you know anything.

I've got two to identify - one easier than the other!

See attached pics for details! (if the link above doesn't work!)

Any assistance would be fantastic - hopefully this will enable me to actually start my new project - which I'm more than happy to share when I get in from work!

Thanks in advance everyone!

See attached pics for details! (if the link above doesn't work!)

Neither of those links work. Not for me anyway.

To post a picture here on ETO, click on the Upload File button at the bottom right hand side of the page, and select the file on your computer, then upload it to the forum. Easier to do than to describe.

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