Help making a pest shocker

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New Member
I am trying to make a small device that will give a 300-400 v shock using a 9v battery.

I want the device to not have a switch (always be on).

I was going to try to make the Stun Gun, in the projects section, but I could not find some of the components, and I wasn't sure what other components I could switch out to use. If someone could tell me what components I could use (diodes, transformer, and transistor) that would be great! I was looking getting some parts from

But I am open to suggestions.

Otherwise, I'd like to know just a simple way to make a circut that would give a 300-400 v shock. It doesn't need to be anything complex, just something that will work, and re-charge itself after the charge is used.

Thanks in advance!
Try to copy the idea of the circuit given in the attachment.This is a bit stronger than what you need but you gey the idea and convert it accordin to your needs.Hope I have helped.[/img]


  • air_ionizer.gif
    7.9 KB · Views: 5,800
what is this partucular one used for?

I see this runs on 120 AC, I assume a scaled down version would work with DC?

Thanks for the post!
Well if you want to build the stungun, and don't know what the parts are, I can help, I have found where to get all the parts.

All but the audio transformer can be found at Radio Shack, yep, if you don't have one near you, you can order them online, the audio transformer can be found at Newark, the only problem is it costs $20 there for a 1KCT->200KCT Transformer.

So if you're willing to spend that much you can make a bug zapper by making a screen that wraps all the way around, and another smaller screen about 1/8 of an inch the first, and one electrode to the outside, and one electrode to the inside, the idea being when a bug tries to get to the light (run off a different circuit, most lights will pop when that extra 1000v hits them) it bridges the two, closing the circuit, and POP, now all you have to do, is ask if you want them regular or extra crispy.
To be honest I don't thinkthe above circuit will work in DC.Try the following.It is a great dazer gun that really gives a shock.I have made one myself 8)
Hope I have helped.


    9.1 KB · Views: 2,062
Sorry I forgot to give you the parts list.
Here they are:
R1 = 3K3, 5%
R2 = 1M, 5%
C1 = 0.1µF, monolythic capacitor
C2-C9 = 0.01µF 400 volt polyester capacitors
D1-D8 = 1N4007, 1KVolt diodes
NE1 = Type NE-2 neon bulb
Q1 = MJE521 NPN power transistor
Q2 = MJE371 PNP power transistor
T1 = 1200 to 8 ohm audio power transformer
S1 = SPST momentary-contact, pushbutton switch

possible replacements for Q1/Q2:
Q1, MJE521: The NTE184 or 2N5190 will work.
Q2, MJE371: The NTE185 or 2N5193 will work.

By the way the first circuit is an air ionizer.Hope I will some day find the time to make it.
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