help me build a simple electronics project for a symposium

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New Member

hi guys ,i'm in need of a simple electronics project urgently. i've to submit it in 5 days. so someone please help.
do a steady hand game!

do two bits of wire one bent like a hook and one turned round to make a nice move round bit. then connect the hook to a buzzer, then two AA batteries and then the other bendy bit of metal! super easy no intelligents required!
electrolysis cleaner

electrolysis cleaner **broken link removed**

battery charger/DC power supply, iron rebar, rusty item to clean, Arm and Hammer Laundry Detergent, plastic bucket

Dissolve detergent into water
Connect negative to rusty item (dont let the wire become submerged only the item)
Connect positive to rebar (dont let wire become submerged only the rebar)
Place objects in water on opposite ends of bucket (ensure the objects do not touch)
Rust will remove and travel to rebar

Record rate of cleaning at intervals
Change amperage and record rate of cleaning at new setting
Maybe measure residue or change in volume or specific gravity of water

Read the warnings or dangerous gasses produced
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