help me catch a thieve!!!

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look at this site (my stolen article) : **broken link removed**
then look at the original source : **broken link removed**

No need to speak of my frustration, and it aint my first time..

I just want to teach that a guy a lesson about ethics.. any ideas..?

He linked the pictures directly to my website.. so i could replace them.. we can have a good laugh... any idea of the picture i should use to replace it on his blog.... hmm... too many ideas are flowing.. !!
Hello Ibrahim,
I do have a few mates in the industry so I will do what I can OK.

Regards Bryan
Your work is created uder the creative commons license.
IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTE: Electronics and Robotics Articles by Ibrahim KAMAL are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

That may limit what you can do. I believe you are allowed to insist that he properly attribute your work or remove his post. There are certainly many other instances out there. It might be worth searching on enforcement tools. Unfortunately, enforcement of copyright is entirely at the owners expense in the United States.

John just contact them

I have asked a mate and he said that is the best contact

Regards Bryan

Thanks! just droped them a mail..

Actually, when i first posted that thread, i was more thinking about having some fun with fellow ETO users! As i said he linked the images in his article directly to my server, that means i can exchange them with anything i want... Come on.. let your imagination spark!

I was thinking about exchaning the main top battery picture with that: **broken link removed**
I was looking at your scanalogic before and thought man that is a nice tool but It's out my range. A scanalogic would be nice but my missus would go troppo if I bought 2 electronics devices in a week.

cheer Bryan
Theft of material.

It's an almost trivial matter to change the image based on the referrer. I do it quite a bit.
Images that show text like "this site stolen from xxxxxx", or random redirects to are easy.

As I said to Bryan, contact google (since it's hosted on one of their IPs), point out that they're hosting infringing content and request they either force the content to be taken down, or take down the entire site. (There are precedents).

There are any number of ummm, more underhanded things you can do, but they're probably (or in many cases, definately) illegal and could find you on charges instead. Resist the temptation to go that route.
There are any number of ummm, more underhanded things you can do, but they're probably (or in many cases, definately) illegal and could find you on charges instead. Resist the temptation to go that route.
but having fun exchanging the pictures that are on my own server is okay right...?
In a light print you could put something across corner to corner over the code with your Url. It might cause the user to head straight to your site and gain a new visitor? Sort of like see thru so it doesn't obscure to much or you could just obscure the code at critical points or something forcing them to your site and creating an account to get the rest, un-obscured version.
who is gonna laugh at that?

Come on, i am sure someone here has some better ideas!!

think humiliating, embarrassing, regrettable....
but having fun exchanging the pictures that are on my own server is okay right...?

Yes. I would change your images on your site but keep the links valid. Give the original images new names. Then create some new text laden images or whatever and assign them the old names. Been there and done that and hell yes, it can be fun and amusing. I loved this:

Hey cool boy,

Why not stop stealing other people work and write your own articles?

This page was STOLEN, the original article is here:
**broken link removed**

His source code for the page is loaded with:

src="" width="20" />

Hell get creative.

who is gonna laugh at that?

Come on, i am sure someone here has some better ideas!!

think humiliating, embarrassing, regrettable....

I was just thinking about the poor looser who goes to his site / only to be caught up in flame wars.

But, I can tell you want un-adalterated evil......Muahahahahahaha.

I like rons idea.
call it evil, i call it having some fun!!

Look, it's really pretty simple. Anytime you decide to go to someone Else's website and hot link to their images and rip off their bandwidth you run the risk of things going wrong. Sometimes when things go wrong, they go terribly wrong. Just the nature of the beast.

Hey, if it would help I could open a web page using your images so you could test things, not that it matters as you could easily use the page hosting your stuff.

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