help me design a 4 x16 MUX using smaller MUX

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New Member
Guys first of all I would like to apologize for not reading all the rules of the forum before posting so if i have done something wrong or broken any rules of the forum pls forgive me as noob member

i just joined hte forum and this is my 1st post

i am also ne to eletronics i have just started studying the subject only read few chapters so pls me more descriptive

Pls tell me how to design :-

1) One 4 X 16 MUX(multiplexer) using two 2 X 4 MUX and one 3 X 8 MUX

2) One 4 X 16 MUX using three 2 X 4 MUX and one 3 X 8 MUX

3) One 4 X 16 MUX using two 2 X 4 MUX and one 3 X 8 MUX and one 2 X 4 decoder

i will be very much helpful if u provide diagram (hope this is very easy for u guys and i am not as k much )i could not find it any where so posting here
hi d,
I assume you are asking for a digital multiplexer.?

Have you tried to design the circuit yourself.? if so could you post a link so that we can see your design.
i have read about the normal multiplexer and how they work i have not any idea how to join 2 different mux to work as one unit

i have no clue where to begin with to do this

as i told before i just started learning

even i don't ask for direct solution for the problem but at least some clue or guidance how to solve this

pls don't refer me to books first of all i am very weak in English and don't understand the language well and most of the good books are in English
A MUX is nothing more than an electronic switch that routes several inputs to one (or sometimes more) outputs. Why can you not take the outputs from several MUXs and route these to the input of another MUX to select one of those outputs? This is really not an 'electronics' problem. It is just one of logic (logic as in 'being logical' not 'digital logic'). I am also puzzled as to what a 3x8 MUX does. I have never seen one of those before... You may also want to have a look at:**broken link removed**

as i get it from my book a 3 X 8 mux means a multiplexer which has 3 control line and 8 input lines and one output line

i dont know its physical existence but that what i read in book
as i get it from my book a 3 X 8 mux means a multiplexer which has 3 control line and 8 input lines and one output line

i dont know its physical existence but that what i read in book

Look thru this datasheet, is this the IC you are looking for.?? 74HC151


  • datasheet.pdf
    52 KB · Views: 305
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