Help me find the right amplifier

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Oh, looks like I was stupid. I wanted to leave the regulator and make it possible to turn on mono mode, but with short circuit protection (in case someone sets the volume to maximum). Now I read your comment and looked at the diagram, and in the end it seems I realized my mistake. You saved me from the joint. Thank you very much for your reply.
It turns out that without dismantling the regulator, my idea will not work. To implement my idea, the resistors need to be soldered in front of the bottom pins of the regulator. This way I will be able to switch to mono mode, but the maximum volume will be slightly lower. Is that correct?

P.S. Thank you in advance for your response. This was the last question, once again I apologize for bringing up the old topic.


  • zk.png
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Where is a regulator?
The resistors you added are in the correct locations but the copper traces underneath them short those resistors and those copper traces must be cut.
Using 4.7k resistors might work.
Where is a regulator?
The resistors you added are in the correct locations but the copper traces underneath them short those resistors and those copper traces must be cut.
Using 4.7k resistors might work.
Thanks for the answers, the solution has been found) I will do it according to the final scheme. But without cutting the tracks. I'll just pull out the potentiometer and solder with wires and solder the resistors to the wires from the bottom pins.
I apologize for the possibly broken English, I speak it poorly.
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