Help me ID 2 Bridge Rectifier part numbers

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Hi, I acquired an assortment of new bridge rectifiers quite a few years ago and I am unable to ID several of them. One of the part numbers I cannot ID is 707W00357 with SI 8014 directly below and the other part number is 107P10088 with GI 8532 on the opposite side. I am only looking for maximum voltage and current ratings.
The Four digit numbers are usually date codes. You have some really old ones. The first two digits are the year and the last two digits, generally, are the week of that year. So you have some from 1980 and 1985.

When they are this old, you should polish the solder with s pencil eraser to brighten it up before soldering - otherwise, the tin oxide on the surface may cause a poor electrical connection. Parts from this date range are usually dull or matte tin with high surface area and likely to corrode.

I am guessing the GI part is from General Instruments.

Take a photo - the General geometry of the part can give us an idea of current limit. It is unlikely voltage will be determined by size. The part numbers you listed are so long that they may be customer-specific part numbers - used to limit end user servicing the device. They are likely extra inventory sold off as scrap and now in your scrap heap.
Hi, Attached is a photo of the rectifiers. The sun is so low here this time of year it's hard to take a good photo without big shadows and the part numbers don't display well under artificial light.


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the 4 digit numbers (8014, 8532) are date codes. a search for 107P10088 says it's a Motorola part number, but the GI near the date code is for General Instrument (a company that specialized in diodes and bridge rectifiers). both part numbers are "house numbers", as both of them follow the same format of "DDDLDDDDD" (D for digit, L for letter). "house numbers" were used by consumer electronics manufacturers to make it difficult for repair shops to fix their equipment if the shop wasn't a factory authorized repair shop. Motorola was still making consumer electronics in the 1980s, so it's possible that's why that part number shows up as a motorola part number with no data sheets available.

i was able to find part numbers in the 707Wxxxxx range here:

unfortunately, 707W00357 is not listed, but this does verify that you are looking at "house numbers". if you look up the replacement parts listed in the 707W part of the page, you will find they are various semiconductors, transistors, diodes, ICs, etc... and there won't be much of a rhyme or reason to the house numbers (in other words, no two consecutive numbers will be for similar parts except by pure chance), so there's no "almost the same". if you do a search for "ECG cross reference" , "NTE cross reference", or "SK cross reference" and take a look in cross reference books from about 1980 to 1990, you might find one or both of the part numbers. looking at the specs of the ECG, NTE, or SK replacement will give you the information you are looking for. one caveat, if the parts were rarely or never replaced after the TV was out of warranty, the part numbers might not show up, because there were never any requested.
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