help me in a counter device project

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New Member
i got a project from the college to submit. I got a electromechanical digital counter from my project guide.i have to device a circuit to modify and control a count value in the digital please help me.....i am giving the data for the device.....its model is k.07

here is the link for its data(sorry my net speed lo for uploading the pdf... taking too long) counter/K04_K07.pdf
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you can't modify (manipulate) the count value of that counter. It counts straight up. Connect a timer circuit with timing not more than specified in the data sheet.

The counter will advance one count per pulse.

thank you but i have a small question

can we initialise the counter to zero and start it overall using the timer circuit??
Is there a way to reset the counter?i think u techno wizards can figure it out...will it become zero when all the digits becime 9
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Is there a way to reset the counter?i think u techno wizards can figure it out...will it become zero when all the digits becime 9

There is no direct RESET, you would have to make it count at 10counts/sec until rolled over to 0000000.
For a K07, thats 7 digits, so pulsing at 10pps thats 999999 seconds or at 25pps its 400,000 seconds.!!!

Somene has chosen the wrong counter for the project, its an adding counter ...
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