help me please !

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New Member
please , I want to know any information about this kind of micro controller because I have lot of them in old hardware
and I'm beginner in micro controller so I want to learn on them I want to know how can I program it ( with what language ?)
and kind of programmer and any additional info about them
those micro controller in photo
I'm sorry for my bad language
thanks a lot ,

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First thing you want to do with an unknown chip is look up the datasheet:

Since you seem to need a general background, these chips are generally programmed with some sort of device called a programmer which puts them into programming mode and typically loads their programming memory via serial. Sometimes you can load a "boot loader" a program which handles communication so that you can load the program memory without a programmer device, though you still need some kind of interface. Any hex file built for the chip can be loaded using the device and a programmer API (computer program). Usually there is an IDE that helps you use the settings and registers of a particular type of chip, and it may support many languages which it can compile into hex for your micro controller. For example for PIC 18 chips you have several variations of embedded C such as Hitch PICC-18, MPLAB C18, Mikroe C, then theres some versions of basic, and of course you can write assembly.

Unless you have a really huge number of these the cost of your time learning to use them might be worth more than the chips are worth, and it may be better to start with a more common range of micro controllers such as PIC, AVR, propeller, LPCXpresso, PSoC (not as common, but I like them), or just an arduino board (don't need a programmer, it's a bootloaded atmel)

If you really want to go down the path of figuring these chips out I see a few things offhand. It's a 4 bit microcontroller, and I think you need an external resonator to use it. It's a Panasonic device, and it doesn't look like their modern programmers support it, but I could be wrong.
thank you Triode but this datasheet in Japanese language and I don't know about this language , so if can you get me English datasheet , and I want to practice on this kind of micro controller because I am beginner and I don't want to spend a lot on buy micro controllers ( I have some them on my old devices ) ..
thanks again.
Your not going to program them if you found them in something.
Like used because most everything made uses a one time programmable chip to hold there code so people don't take it..or change it
It has English too. But like I said you are going to dump a lot of time and resources into this before you'll program one and they aren't that powerful, and like Be80be said, it may be one time programmed already.
One of the chips is a OPT can't be programmed agin. And one is not a uC its eprom and I'm sure its locked so you can't read it. I remember when I started playing with the uC i spent days pulling chips off old stuff just to find out I can't reprogram it.
I got a stamp then a bunch of free pic then some avr's and now the arm's
Learn one of them. Save yourself a lot of disappointment.
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How is it locked? It basically programs it not to accept new programming or to transmit it's program data, there's no way to change it because you can't program it, like locking a door from the inside.

It was pretty cheap to get started in PICs, and AVRs are fairly easy to get too, you'll find a lot more example code that way as well.
"there's no way to change it because you can't program it, like locking a door from the inside."

That's not we call LOCKED.
I agree with Burt and Triode..... A 4bit micro isn't a learning curve... I have had a quick look for the instruction set.... No go... Best to learn with something simple....
Lol maybe you never been locked out lol
I don't see any reason to get hung up on locked. Its used a lot these day to mean there was bits set to stop you from writes to it. And the opt is locked out from writes cause it can only happen one time.
Locked out what I call it cause you can't get in lol
But you can break the lock which makes what your wanting to do most times unuseable. Its waste of time get a cheap pic and cheap programmer you'll learn something that you can build on.
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