help me to select a uControler

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New Member
Hi everyone. I'm looking for a micro that allow me to:
* address ~512 kb of data (external)
* control an usb port (i want to write the 512 kb data through the usb)
* output 10000 values per second to 10 diferentes DACs (1000 for each DAC, there are some serial DACs ideal for this kind of stuff, I think)
* display info through and LCD display
* listen a couple of switches, ~6

Thank you very much, excuse my english, please.
blueroomelectronics said:
Do you want a USB slave (talks to a Windows or Mac PC) or a USB host (can control USB devices)?

I'm, I suposse I need a slave... I want to store some data in a memory, like a pendrive, but I need less than 1 mb of storage. A PC will load the data into the device, and the device will read this data and ouptut a signal (just like an mp3 player)... this is for a ECG patient simulator, with the posibility of loading your own signals.

Thank you again
It's not mandatory for the connection to be USB.... It could be RS232, if the USB requisite is too much of a problem... but today everything is USB, I think it's more comfortable, and maybe I could learn something new
Since the USB is not mandatory, just use a USB to RS22 bridge like the FT232RL from FTDI. This will free you from USB code complexity.
blueroomelectronics said:
If you're just building a datalogger why not just use a SD card.
**broken link removed**
Well, yes, I would be interested in something like that... But do you know aprox. how much it cost? And what uC is good to control something like that?

Thank you.
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