Here is the "tester" used in the .PDF from post #10.
You do not need a diff-amp. You are using a battery that gets you isolated from everything.
I don't see why you need high impedance. But OK.
It looks like you need a simple op amp circuit non-inverting. Gain of 10 or have a gain of 1/10 switch.
Signal goes into the (+) input to keep the input impedance high. (add input protection resistor and diodes)
Sorry on this computer I do not have a way to draw a schematic.
You might not need the amplifier if you inject that much power into the Earth.
From Post #4:
Probe-1: protection resistor of 100k and two diodes to protect the PIC's ADC input.
Probe-2: use two matched across the power supply to make a 1/2 supply voltage. 10K & 10K ohms. Use this 1/2 supply voltage as probe-2.
How does this work? If you short the two probes the PIC will measure a voltage in the middle of its ADC range. If the voltage on the probes is + the number from the ADC will to up, if the voltage is negative the number will drop. (On a 5V PIC center=2.5V) You can measure +/- 2.5V full scale.